Video Game Music

During 2008 and 2009, Lucasarts began to feature the music from Young Indiana Jones in other media such as the LEGO Indiana Jones and Staff of Kings video games. This page explains how to access and listen to the music from these sources.

LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (2008)

LEGO Indiana Jones is a video game adaptation of the first three Indiana Jones feature films. It closely follows the plot and action of the movies, although portions of the story are extended for gameplay. The game is broken into distinct scenes which either involve action sequences, puzzle solving, or cutscenes. Music Supervisor Jesse Harlin decided to incorporate music into the soundtrack from the Indiana Jones films, the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, and the Emperor's Tomb video game. 

The soundtrack to the game often features unusual arrangements of music to accommodate for the constant changes in gameplay. For example, quiet exploration music will be interrupted by frantic action music when enemies suddenly appear; the quiet score resumes once the enemies are defeated. The "quiet" and "action" tracks in the game often combine music from several Young Indy episodes. However, the majority of the music files also feature ambient sound effects and are heavily edited to fit the timing needs of the game. Many other "ambient" and "cut scene" files are included, but these do not provide sources of music.

At the end of the game, the credits list Young Indiana Jones as a source of music. It is worth noting that to the best of this author's knowledge, the game credits are somewhat inaccurate. As explained previously on this website, only Trenches of Hell was scored by Frederic Talgorn.

Music from The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones

After purchasing the Windows PC version of the game, access to these sound files is very easy to obtain - they are just sitting in an audio folder on the desktop hard drive. They are installed to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\LEGO Indiana Jones\audio\ and are in OGG format, which is easily convertible to MP3. Using an MP3 converter such as Cloud Convert, an audio editor such as Audacity, and a custom metadata program such as MP3tag, fans of the game can download the music, edit the audio, and re-title the track names to create their own personal soundtrack. Follow along with the research below.

LIJ1 Completed Track Breakdown

LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues (2009)

Only a year later, another LEGO game was published to coincide with the release of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The game mechanics are largely the same compared to the first game, but this time it provides new levels for the original adventures (Raiders, Temple of Doom, and Last Crusade) while also adapting Crystal Skull for a brand new section of the game

Once again, the game does not disappoint on the audio front and uses a combination of John Williams' scores as well as music from Young Indiana Jones. Oddly enough, credits are not given to the Young Indy composers this time, only John Williams. In many instances, the same audio files are taken directly from the first game and used again in this one. However, some of the re-used tracks have reduced sound effects and are available in better quality. Moreover, a handful of brand new unreleased tracks from Young Indiana Jones, that were not featured in the previous game, are included in this one.

After purchasing the Windows PC version of the game, access to these sound files is very easy to obtain - they are just sitting in an audio folder on the desktop hard drive. They are installed to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\LEGO Indiana Jones\audio\ and are in OGG format, which is easily convertible to MP3. Using an MP3 converter such as Cloud Convert, an audio editor such as Audacity, and a custom metadata program such as MP3tag, fans of the game can download the music, edit the audio, and re-title the track names to create their own personal soundtrack. Follow along with the research below.

LIJ2 Completed Track Breakdown

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (2009)

Following the release of two LEGO Indiana Jones games, music supervisor Jesse Harlin was hired to work on the video game Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings. For this brand new original story, the soundtrack incorporates music from the original Indiana Jones films (including unreleased material from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) and also Young Indiana Jones. However, in addition to using previous Indiana Jones music, Lucasarts hired composers Gordy Haab and Ray Harman to write original music for the game. A total of 15 tracks from the original score composed by Haab (10) and Harman (5) were available for download from the composer's websites when the game first launched. Since then, the full set has been uploaded on YouTube. Two interviews from 2009, with producer Matthew Vella and composer Gordy Haab, reveal the following details about the game:

GS: Who's handling the music?

Matthew Vella: When you hear the original John Williams music from the Indy films, it just gets your heart racing, so we just had to incorporate those pieces into the game. Additionally, our music supervisor, Jesse Harlin, went to the vaults and found some really great music from the Adventures of Young Indiana Jones TV series that we used as well. Finally, to bring more uniqueness to this story, composers Gordy Haab and Ray Harman created some really great original pieces that have odes to the classic John Williams music.

M4G: How much original music have you composed for Indiana Jones & The Staff of Kings and how long did the process take from writing, recording, and mixing?

Gordy Haab: I wrote 12 cues, equaling 30 minutes of music which I believe is a little more than half of the original music in the game. My assignment was to write all of the action music: the exciting chases, fights, battles, etc. I know they used music from other sources as well for other various moods, including previously unreleased material from the Indy films and the Young Indiana Jones television show.

Different platforms of the game have different soundtracks. The Nintendo DS version only includes arrangements of music from the Indiana Jones films, and the PSP version features an entirely original score composed by Noel Gabriel. Some of Noel Gabriel's score was incorporated into the PS2 version along with additional music written by Gordy Haab's assistant, Samuel Joseph Smythe, to round out the score with a few more tracks. 

In addition to the John Williams scores and original music from Gordy Haab and Ray Harman, the PS2 version of the game also includes several unreleased Young Indiana Jones tracks that were never used previously in the LEGO Indiana Jones games:

Starting Menu


San Francisco, Chinatown




In addition to the tracks listed above, it is worth noting that the track "Bistro Guitar" from Espionage Escapades was used in the game, but does not appear in the audio files. On the contrary, an extra track, "Lenin Has Returned" from Adventures in the Secret Service can be found in the audio folder, but the track itself never actually appears in any of the levels.

Obtaining the audio game files are somewhat difficult due to the fact that the game was never released on PC. However, it is possible to access the audio folder from Staff of Kings if you own the PS2 version. The audio files are much different and disorganized compared to the previous LEGO Indiana Jones games, but the game does not have any sound effects over the score. Despite being edited down significantly for gameplay purposes, most of the tracks are available in high quality. Luckily, the Young Indy Score YouTube channel has posted all of the Young Indiana Jones music that was incorporated into the Staff of Kings game!

SOK Completed Track Breakdown

Disclaimer: This site does not (and never has) offered content for download.